Article for your team: Prioritising Your Wellbeing: Best Practices for our Employees

If you are a Manager or part of the HR team, we have this resource that you can copy, paste and send to your staff!


As part of your Wellbeing hub program we build content that you can use and share with your employees.  Feel free to copy, paste this article and send it to your team via email.


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  • All employees

Prioritising Your Wellbeing: Best Practices for Employees


It is important to prioritise your wellbeing in the workplace. Taking care of yourself not only benefits you, but also our organisation. Here are some actions you can take to support your own wellbeing.

Take Breaks

It can be easy to get caught up in work and forget to take breaks. However, taking time to step away from your desk or workspace can help reduce stress and prevent burnout. Consider taking a short walk, practicing mindfulness, or simply taking a few deep breaths throughout the day.

Set Boundaries

In today's connected world, it can be difficult to disconnect from work. Setting boundaries around when you are available and when you are not can help reduce stress and promote work-life balance. Consider turning off notifications outside of work hours or setting aside time for personal activities.

Prioritise Sleep

Getting enough sleep is crucial for both physical and mental health. Make sure to prioritise sleep by establishing a consistent bedtime routine and creating a sleep-conducive environment. Avoid using screens before bed and consider investing in comfortable bedding and pillows.

Stay Connected

Maintaining social connections can help reduce stress and promote mental health. Make sure to prioritise time with family and friends, either in person or virtually. Additionally, consider joining a social group or community organisation to meet new people and explore new interests.

Access your Wellbeing Hub!

Here at [INSERT YOUR COMPANY NAME] we care about our employees wellbeing, this is why we introduced our Wellbeing Hub [Insert the URL to your Wellbeing Hub]. This platform provides access to mental health professionals and counselling services from the comfort of your own home. This can help reduce barriers to accessing care and provide support for anyone that may be struggling.

By prioritising your own wellbeing, you can create a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling work life. Taking breaks, setting boundaries, prioritising sleep, and staying connected are just a few ways you can support your own wellbeing. And with our Wellbeing Hub, accessing the right professional resources has never been easier.