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How to prevent booking emails and other Kara Connect notification going to spam- Gmail

Here you will find all your need to avoid getting emails going to spam using Gmail- Whitelist Email Addresses In Gmail.

Whitelist Email Addresses In Gmail


Here we provide step-by-step instructions on how to do it in Gmail by creating a filter:

1) Login to Gmail, click on the gear icon and select "Settings":

select Gmail settings

2) Select "Filters and blocked addresses":

select Gmail filters


3) Scroll past all your existing filters and select "Create a new filter":

create new filter Gmail

4) Add the email address that you want to whitelist to the "From" field. Here we added notifications@karaconnect.com to make sure that we never miss a 'website down' alert:

5) Check the "Never send to spam" box and click "Create Filter". The email address will now be whitelisted!

Whitelisting A Whole Domain

In 'Step 4' we whitelisted a single email address. It's also possible to whitelist all emails from a domain.

By adding @karaconnect.com to the "From" field instead of notifications@karaconnect.com this would whitelist every email address belonging to karaconnect.com.

Whitelisting Multiple Email Addresses

To whitelist more than one email address simply add each email address separated by the pipe symbol. For example, "notifications@karaconnect.com | noreply@karaconnect.com".

The pipe symbol is a vertical bar '|' that can be added with shift and backslash on most keyboards.