Professionals: General Information
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  3. Professionals: General Information

Professionals: I can't see any sessions booked in my calendar. What can I do?

If you can't see any booked sessions in your calendar, please try the following.

Please note: This article is for professionals who are team members of a clinic which uses Kara Connect as the platform to manage its business.

Sessions tab

In the Sessions tab of your Kara Connect account, you should be able to see any sessions that are booked.

Please make sure that all members of your team on the menu on the left-hand side are selected by clicking the Select all button.

Please note: you need to be an Administrator in order to be able to see both your own availability and your Team's availability.

This will display all the past and future sessions which have been booked for each team member and they will be colour-coded to that team member too.

Client's profile

If after trying the steps above you still can't see any booked sessions, the next step is to check upcoming sessions at client-level.

1. Go to the Clients section in the top menu.

2. Identify the client whose session you booked (that is not currently showing in the Sessions tab).

3. Click on their name highlighted in blue or on the "eye icon" that appears when you hover over the name.

4. Inside the client's profile, you will be able to see all past and upcoming sessions for that client under Activities.


Still unable to locate the sessions?

If you have sessions booked but no sessions are appearing in the Sessions tab of your Kara Connect account, please take screenshots of this and send them to us at - we will do our best to support you.
Before doing this, if you are not an Administrator of your account, please contact your Administrator as they have additional controls and visibility that may be causing this behaviour in the Sessions tab.