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I Forgot my Password / Reset my password

Here you will find all you need to know to reset your password

There are times where we forget our password or you simply would like to change your password and update it. What ever is your reason, we got you covered.

To reset your password is very simple.


1. Go to your Kara Connect account access page.

  • Professionals go here
  • Clients, employees or users go here

2. Click Forgot Password in that screen


3. In the tab that will open "Add your email address"

4. You will get an email in your inbox with a link to reset your password.

Reset password


Please make sure to check you SPAM folder or trash folder. Also make sure that you are using the right email. There may be times we used a different email address so our system won't recognise the email and as such won't send the instructions to reset the password. 


Once you completed all the steps, you will a confirmation that your password has been updated and you may be able to log again with your new updated password.