Professionals: How can I cancel my Kara Connect subscription?

If you would like to cancel your Kara Connect subscription and close your professional account, please follow these steps.

Firstly, we are very sorry that you would like to cancel your subscription and close your professional account. We hope you had the best experience with us.

Before cancelling your subscription, if you would like to ask or share with our Customer Success team anything that may help you change your mind or if you are experiencing any issues we can address for you, please feel free to contact us directly through the blue chat bubble in the bottom-right of your screen or email us at and we will do our best to assist you.


If you have a moment, before following the steps below, we would be very grateful if you could please complete the survey which appears in the bottom-left of the screen.


How to cancel your subscription and close your professional Kara Connect account

Please note:

Kara Connect cannot be held responsible for any data loss that may occur when deactivating your account. Once your account is deactivated, this data may become inaccessible to you. If you wish to reactivate your account in the future, please be aware that we may not be able to recover this information.

Please take the necessary steps and precautions before deactivating your account.


To cancel your subscription, you need to delete your clinic by taking the following steps:

1. Please log in to your Kara Connect workstation and go to Settings in the top-right corner.

2. Click Office Information.

3. Click Deactivate clinic account at the bottom.

4. In the screen which pops up, please tick the box and click the red Deactivate account button, as per the image below.


This will close your professional Kara Connect account and disable your subscription.


Thank you for using Kara Connect. We hope to see you again! 🙏