Wellbeing Hub: Stage 1- Launching and creating excitement for your staff

Launching your new Wellbeing Hub is an exciting milestone for your company. Here we explain some things you can do to mark the day and make the most of your launch!

You are ready to launch your Wellbeing Hub!
Here at Kara Connect we make sure that our Customer make the most of their solution. Our Customer Success team is responsible to drive engagement and awareness to your new Wellbeing Hub. We are here to support your efforts!
Some recommendations we have when rolling out this new and exciting benefit is to do it during an all hands meeting, a wide team meeting or between mid-to-end of the week and create some "fun" around it.
For example:
  • On a Thursday or a Friday morning or afternoon.
  • Bring (where possible) "Cup cakes, donuts or some nice treats for your employees" to mark the day.
  • A day before launching the Wellbeing Hub, create internally some excitement about the introduction of this new benefit.
  • Combine the launch with other exciting news!
  • Contact your Customer Success Manager for more ideas and ways we can help you promote your Hub!

The goal here is to ensure your employees realise that your company is going above and beyond to support their wellbeing!

Good luck!

