Wellbeing Hubs: Clients
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Wellbeing Hubs: Clients: Create your Wellbeing Hub Client Dashboard and Claim your Credits.

Congratulations! your organisation is investing in your Wellbeing. Create your account today to claim your sponsored Credits.

Your organization has introduced a valuable new employee benefit, allowing you to claim your Credits and access top-tier Professional Support services. These services encompass a wide range of areas including Mental Health, Nutrition, Physical Wellness, Career Guidance, Family, and Relationship advice, among others.

Each Credit you claim equates to one individual session with a professional of your choice.

You will have the convenience of browsing through a comprehensive list of available professionals, therapists, and specialties, all in one centralised platform. This allows you to easily connect with and schedule your sessions with any professional that meets your needs.

Creating an Account through my Company's Wellbeing Hub

If you are an employee of a company that partners with Kara Connect and your company introduced a Wellbeing Hub benefit where you can access professionals of all backgrounds; you can create a client account directly from your Wellbeing Hub. This process is very simple; all you need to do is place your first Booking and this process will prompt you to create an account.

    1. Go to your wellbeing hub (The link to your hub must have been provided by your engagement or HR team, if in doubt please contact your HR Team)
    2. Click on "Create an account to claim your credits" button

    This process will take you to create an account page:

    1. Complete your name, your company email address and password and click Create Account.
    2. You will be prompted to read and agree to the Kara Connect Terms & Conditions.


    After submitting the details, you will be redirected to your Client Dashboard.

    You can then navigate back to your Wellbeing Hub to find all the professionals available to you by clicking on the icon with the "house and a heart"!


    Get to know your client dashboard

    Home: Here you can see all upcoming appointments with any specialists you have been connected to. Here you can also change your account details, join sessions and more.

    Payments: Here you can see your bills and update your payment information. When a session is not sponsored by your company, you can continue using your Wellbeing Hub and pay directly to the professional for the sessions.

    My profile:  To update/change your profile information, click on your name → Profile, in the top-right corner. Here you can update details such as your profile picture, name, email, password and language/timezone.

    My Wellbeing Hub:  Here is where you will find all available Professionals to you to access.


    What can I find in my client dashboard

    Once you register using your email and name, accept the terms and conditions, and create a password, you will be in your client account, as per the image below.

    Here you have:

    - A summary of your bookings and a quick link to join the session at the booked time

    - Your Connections (Professionals with whom you have completed sessions or are currently working with)

    - Notifications

    - Payments 

    - Wellbeing Events (Free to access and join!)


    For payments, you can set up your card in your client dashboard. This can be done by simply going to the Payments tab in the top-right corner.

    Here, you can:

    • Add a new Card
    • Update your Card details
    • Pay your professional for the session
    • Look at your Bills


    Wellbeing Events

    Whether you're eager to learn something new, interested in exploring one of our online classes, or simply want to take some time to hear about a specific topic, Kara Connect has you covered.

    To learn more click here.

    Join a session

    When you have an appointment, you will receive an email reminder. The appointment will appear on your dashboard next to your calendar. You can see the date, time, type of meeting, and price.

    To join a session:

    1. Click on the session you wish to join.

    2. Click Join video session in the top-right.

    3. Make sure you allow the browser to access your camera and microphone. You can test this in the window provided before joining the session.


    4. Click Join session to connect with your specialist.