Wellbeing Hubs: Setting up Availability
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  3. Wellbeing Hubs: Setting up Availability

Wellbeing Hubs for Professionals: Changes to my availability and calendar.

This article explain how to make changes to your availability on one or multiple Wellbeing Hubs.

When it comes to availability and driving bookings and engagement, it is important to ensure that your calendar is open and that you have plenty of availability and choice for clients.

Pro Tip: Remember when a client book a session with you they are booking the session on your Kara Connect Calendar, so any time available will enable your clients to book a session and get a full confirmation.

Changing you Availability 

1. Click Settings (in the top-right corner) and then click Calendar and Schedule.

2.0 Ensure you have set up the Right Time Zone for your Account. Click Edit and find the right time zone in the list.

2.1 Under Wellbeing hub availability, you will see a box with the current schedule you have > Hover over the box and you will see an Editing Button.

  • Click Edit.

3. Scroll under the week-days and hours and set up / change your schedule.

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 4. Click Confirm. You will now see the new change of time reflected and employees / clients will be able to book at those times accordingly.

For more information about setting up your availability you can click here.