Wellbeing Hubs: Increasing, Updating and Editing your Availability to maximise your profile views

In this article we will explain how to edit and ensure you set up the most availability on our wellbeing hubs programme to maximise your profile exposure.

If you've received an invitation to join a new wellbeing hub, you're in the right place.

While we cannot predict who will utilise the services, how many bookings they will make, what services they will choose, or when they will book, rest assured that our Wellbeing Hubs are optimised to increase the chances of bookings and attracting clients.

We are dedicated to ensuring that your profile stands out and is visible 24/7 based on the availability you set. To enhance your visibility, we recommend opening up as much availability as possible. Remember, the more availability you offer, the more options and views you provide to potential clients.

By providing ample availability and flexibility, you can potentially secure more bookings, engagements, and choices for clients. Don't forget to watch a quick 5-minute video that explains how to optimize your availability for the best results!



  1. Increase your Bookable Period
  2. Reduce your Notice Period
  3. Open more times and dates ranges under your Wellbeing Hub availability



What happens if I open all week availability but I also have my own clients? Can I get double booked?

  • If you are using Kara Connect to manage your personal client appointments, there is no risk of getting double booked. Clients from the Wellbeing Hubs will only see what is available on your "Sessions" tab in your Kara Connect Calendar. This means that if you have a block or appointment scheduled at a specific time and date, even if your availability is open, that time slot will not be double booked.

Why do I need more availability?

  • The visibility of your profile in our Wellbeing Hubs is influenced by your availability as a professional. By increasing your availability, reducing your notice period, and extending your bookable period, you can enhance your visibility and attract more potential clients to your hub.

Why do I need a high bookable period and a low notice period for the Wellbeing Hubs Programme clients?

  • The recommended bookable period is between 4-8 weeks, allowing clients to access your calendar up to 4 weeks in advance. This flexibility provides potential clients with more options to choose from. Additionally, the recommended notice period is 24-48 hours, ensuring that clients can access your services within a day's notice. This quick turnaround time caters to clients who urgently need your assistance. Feel free to adjust these settings based on your availability and preferences.

Do I need multiple Schedules when connected to Multiple Wellbeing Hubs?

  • It is not necessary to have separate schedules for each wellbeing hub. We recommend maintaining one "wide open" schedule that applies to all hubs. This approach ensures that your availability is consistent across all connections, making it simpler for you to manage multiple hubs effectively.

When would I need multiple Schedules for Multiple Wellbeing Hubs?

  • There may come a time when you need to offer a specific service to a particular client, or when you want to adjust your availability for certain clients, such as larger companies that require more open slots. In such cases, we always recommend providing as much availability as possible. If this situation applies to you, consider creating 2 separate "Schedules" for assistance (contact us via the chat bubble for help).
    • For instance, if you are connected to multiple hubs:
      • Create 1 Availability for company ACME: Open Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm with 2 services available (Consultation, Coaching Therapy).
      • Create 1 Availability for company YXZ: Also open Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm with 3 services available. The third service is specific to this company, as they have expressed a strong interest in Menopause Services, which you can provide. Your services for company YXZ would include Consultation, Coaching Therapy, and Menopause Support.

        In this scenario, you maintain the same schedule for both companies, but offer 2 services for ACME and 3 services for YXZ.

Are there any additional steps I can take to enhance my profile visibility and attract more clients?


Ensure that your profile is complete! The better your profile is set up, the better your chances of getting bookings are.

    • Here are three articles that should help:
      • Profile photo set up - please see here. Upload your best photo!
      • Specialties set up - please see hereYou might have already set this up! Maybe add more!
      • Profile description set up - please see hereDescribe thoroughly what you offer and what you do and why!
      • Make sure that the timezone in your account is correct - please see here. 

To read more of our "Best Practices" you can check this article.

For more information about how to set up your availability click here.