Wellbeing Hubs for Professionals: FAQs for Professionals on Kara Connect Wellbeing Hubs.

If you are a professional part of our Wellbeing Platform this information may be relevant for you.

What is a wellbeing hub or marketplace?

A wellbeing hub, platform, corporate program or marketplace is a platform that we offer to our corporate customers to find services and specialities that their employees are looking for. This enables those employees to find your services easily and book sessions with you. Employees have subsidised credits that they can use to access your services and you get the benefit of not having to source new clients, in simple terms, a steady workload and predictable revenue stream.  Think about it like, opening your "store" in a "high street", helping and supporting employees that are seeking for your services.

How can I maximise the visibility of my profile in the Wellbeing Hubs?

While we cannot predict who will utilise the services, how many bookings they will make, what services they will choose, or when they will book, rest assured that our Wellbeing Hubs are optimised to increase the chances of bookings and attracting clients.

By providing ample availability and flexibility, you can potentially secure more bookings, engagements, and choices for clients.  To learn more about how to update and increase your availability go here.

How do I know who to charge for a session?

When you start your session with the client, you need to ask them from what company they are booking, so you know how the meeting will be invoiced.

To learn more about payments under the Wellbeing Hubs programme go here.

There are 3 scenarios:

1- Client is from a Wellbeing Hub- In most cases a certain number of sessions are subsidised by the employer. Before you join the Wellbeing Hub you would have had a conversation with a Kara Connect Customer Success Manager, they will indicate if a session has to be invoiced directly to the company that owns the Wellbeing Hub or to Kara Connect at the end of every month via accounts@karaconnect.com 

2- Clients (that depleted their subsidised credits)- Before a session is booked we ensure that any clients that have depleted their subsidise credits provide a credit card before joining the session. Before the session starts you should also see a message that indicates that the client does not have more company credits available. You need to make sure that the client has added a credit card.

Please note: this option is only available if you setup Kara Pay (see here for more details) and if you have correctly set your client registration requirements. See here for more details.

Please note that, for all payment options apart from Credits, it is the Professional's responsibility to arrange payment with their clients. Kara Connect is not responsible for any overdue payments.

Here is more information about how to collect payments from your clients.

3- Clients (With subsidised credits)- If a client is booking with a subsidised available credit. In the waiting screen you will see that the client has a credit available and once the session is completed your will see the payment summary under payment type "Credit". (Please check the scenario one above to confirm who you need to invoice)

What happens if the client needs more sessions than the subsidised ones?

Kara Connect will alert you via your workstation and the client before the last session that is subsidised. If the client needs additional support, he can keep seeing you and pay for the session on his own without subsidies from the employer. You can also advise him to contact his HR manager and request additional support.

Who pays for the sessions?

The employer offers its employees a certain amount of sessions with an expert of their choosing. If the employee wants additional sessions, prices and payment plans will move to the professional in question. To learn more about payments go here.

Can the client book a service for someone else?

No, the client can only book sessions for themselves.

What do I do if I have a technical problem?

During office hours, the people at Kara Connect will gladly assist you through the blue chat bubble in the lower right corner. You can also find answers to various questions here. We recommend you finish your registration early to avoid sign-in issues right before the session.

How does the client know when he has finished the sessions offered by his employer?

They will receive a notification by email when the session is completed.

How does the client cancel his session?

To cancel his session the client will have to contact the professional via their email or phone number. He can find their email address in the booking notification email he received from Kara. Otherwise clients can Modify and or Cancel the sessions directly from your Wellbeing Hubs Client Dashboard. Go here for more information.

How do I cancel a session?

You can cancel the session in the system by clicking on the session in the calendar and select the garbage can symbol. Find more information here

Can me as a professional use the platform to book also my sessions with external people outside the clients I get from Kara Connect?

You can of course! if you decide to do this, we actually recommend this, so you have your own platform for managing your clients, provided by Kara Connect. You can use Kara Connect to manage your clients, deliver video-online sessions, place bookings for online and on site, take payments and much more!

What happens when an employee want to book more sessions that are not paid by the company?

Both you and him will receive a notification before his last session where he has credit. After that the employee can either pay for additional sessions or your client could approach his company for additional credits. After any credits are exhausted it is your responsibility to collect payments and Kara Connect is not responsible for missed payments outside the sponsored credit system. For more information click here.

Where to contact if I have issues?

You can always reach out to us in the chat bubble in the lower right corner during working hours. You can also send us an email to support@karaconnnect.com.

What browser is recommended to hold my sessions?

We recommend using Google Chrome for Kara Connect sessions. For more information about browser settings you can go here 

What technical permissions do I need to set up to allow microphone and video access?

Make sure to follow the steps here for microphone and here for video settings.

Can I hold my session outside Kara using zoom or similar?

All video sessions must be held in Kara Connect in order for the employees to utilise their credits. Kara Connect has developed a system, with all levels of security available to run your sessions via video and audio in a safe and easy way.

Is my availability set up applying to all Wellbeing Platforms (Marketplaces)?

If your availability is set up and you are part and invited to multiple "Wellbeing Hubs" you can create the same availability for all or have multiple availability for different hubs. To set up your availability you can go here. For multiple availability across multiple hubs you can go here. We recommend where possible only have one availability setting when connected to multiple hubs. To learn more about how to ensure you have the best possible availability go here.

Only clients that are part of the Wellbeing Hub can access my services?

If you are part of one or multiple Wellbeing Hubs (marketplaces) that Kara Connect has invited you to join on prior communication. Yes, only employees will have access to a link that will bring them straight to all the professionals in that Wellbeing hub. 

Should I confirm with my client that they are part of a company when booked via a Wellbeing Hub?

Yes- During your first session, confirm verbally that your clients are employees of the company where the Wellbeing Hub is hosted. Kara Connect also confirms this when sessions are booked.

How do I invoice for my sessions?

Send invoices to Kara Connect. At the end of each month, send an invoice to accounts@karaconnect.com for the sessions you've held. Just include the total amount of sessions without your clients' names - we build trust with the employees by making sure everything is private. Please check this article for more information.

If you submit your invoices by the 3th working day of the following month, the payments are scheduled by the 7th working day, of the following month. For example for all your sessions in January, you send us the invoice before the 3th working day of February, we will schedule the payment by the 7th working day of February for invoiced sessions taken place between the 1st of January and the 31st of January. Please make sure to include the dates of sessions carried out during this month.

Please read the point above "How do I know who to charge for a session?"

When will I be connected to a Wellbeing Hub and what I could do in the meantime?

When one of our corporate clients request your specialities our Customer Success team will be in touch to inform you about a possible match, so before you are connected we will be in touch. This may take a bit of time as we are currently ramping our sales efforts, but don't worry we will be in touch when ready.

In the meantime we recommend using your Kara Connect workstation, a fully functional tool to run your practice, you can do everything from managing client records, run video calls, take notes, take payments, book sessions for your clients in your Kara Connect calendar and much more! To check out all you can do check this article.

What are the settings or information I need to make sure my profile looks good before joining a Wellbeing Platform?

You are ready to go live in one of our Wellbeing Hubs / Corporate Marketplaces! There may be some questions. Here we cover the most frequently asked questions.

Before we start, you nee to make sure your profile and account is fully set up. Here is all you need to know to get ready.

  1. Sign-in to your Kara Connect Account and make sure your profile is correctly set-up.
  2. Make sure your services have been set up. For more information click here.
  3. Make sure your availability has been set up. For more information click here.
  4. Ensure that your professional information is comprehensive and fully set-up. For more information, click here.
  5. Make sure your specialities have been set-up. For more information click here.
  6. Make sure your profile photo has been set-up. For more information click here.
  7. Create the perfect description of your services, highlight your education and experience. For more information click here.
  8. If you want to have an easier way to charge clients for sessions using Kara Connect, you can set-up Kara Pay. For more information click here.
  9. For more information about Payments, you can go here
  10. For many more resources you can visit our Knowledge Base here.

All basic set up requirements can be found here


Four things to note when going live in a Wellbeing Hub


If you have any further questions please contact us by filling the contact form below